Worship Services

View Sunday Worship Online at 11:00 AM

Please download the worship service Bulletin ahead of time. Worship services are recorded, and the links also work for viewing later.

Previous weeks’ services

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About our worship

The Sunday morning worship service is called the “Service for the Lord’s Day.” The Service follows a pattern rooted in scripture and the practice of the early church. We provide a printed Order of Service which lists the elements of worship, many of which call on the congregation to sing or speak. 

Because “liturgy” is “the work of the people,” we invite all members of the congregation, including children, to take part so far as they are able.

The Service for the Lord’s Day has four basic movements. 

  1. Assemble in God’s Name
  2. Proclaim God’s Word
  3. Give Thanks to God
  4. Go in God’s Name 

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper (also called “Holy Communion” or “The Eucharist”) is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.  We also share the Lord’s Supper on special Sundays in the liturgical calendar. Those who are hungry for the Bread of Life, including children, are invited to take part.

“Traditional” or “Contemporary?”

We find the labels “traditional” and “contemporary” unhelpful when describing worship at First Presbyterian. Some elements are ancient, some modern. Some music is very old, some very new.  Rather than label us, we invite you to join us in giving glory to the Triune God!