Worship Team
The Worship Team is charged with “the maintenance of divine worship,” (Book of Order F-1.0304) and with nurturing the congregation in both public and private worship, including but not limited to:
- Proposing to the Session the occasions, days, times, and places for worship and for the celebration of the Sacraments;
- Securing persons to preach the Word on those occasions when the pastor is not preaching;
- Organizing the ministry of ushers, greeters, readers, flower arrangers, musicians, Communion servers, and other worship leaders;
- Proposing and administering policies for the use of the sanctuary for weddings, civic gatherings, ecumenical and inter-faith worship, and other purposes;
- Recording worship services and making them available to members and the public;
- With the Spiritual Formation Team, conducting programs of worship education for the congregation, with a special emphasis on preparing and welcoming children as full participants in worship.
For more information on participating on the Worship Team, speak with Team Chair Martha Kutter or contact the church office.