Ways to Serve

Wondering how to get involved? No matter what your gifts or interests, there is a place for you! Opportunities are described below. Please consult the church calendar for specific sign-ups.

Care and Outreach

  • We have a prayer ministry of members who have covenanted to pray privately as requested. Asking for prayers does not mean your name will be read aloud in worship unless you request prayers from the congregation as a whole. For more information, contact Debbie Gibson.

  • Are you able to provide regular or occasional rides to worship? Please contact Peggy West or the church office.

  • Can you provide a meal for someone recovering from illness or loss, or bring an item of food for a reception in the Westminster Room? Please contact Barbara Busharis to be put on a list of food volunteers, or call the church office.

  • During the school year UKirk, formerly the Presbyterian University Center, gathers students for dinner on Thursday nights, and welcomes groups or individuals who can sign up to bring dinner for 20-25 people. Dinner does not have to be homemade; in the past people have ordered food or had a food truck come to UKirk. For more information, email office@ukirktallahassee.com or call 850-222-6320.

Compassion and Social Justice

  • Second Harvest Bread Boxing takes place on the first Friday of each month starting at 9:45 AM, when we package bread to be frozen for later distribution. Sign up on the church calendar.
  • We help serve dinner at Grace Mission from 4 to 6 PM, typically the third Sunday of each month. Sign up on the church calendar.
  • We distribute lunch/snack packs on Wednesdays in the courtyard starting at 11 AM. To participate, please contact Debbie Gibson.
  • We are providing laundry services for our unhoused neighbors on Wednesday mornings during the summer. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact Debbie Gibson.
  • Our congregation purchases and delivers all the meals served on July 4th by Big Bend Care’s Meals on Wheels.  To take part, e-mail the church office.
  • Consider participating in the Capital Area Justice Ministry (CAJM). Specific events are listed on the church calendar, or you can visit the CAJM website for more information.

Property and Church Administration

  • We hold period work weekends to do interior or exterior clean-up, including freshening the courtyard plantings. To volunteer, please contact Theresa Heiker. Specific weekends will be posted on the church calendar in advance.
  • If you are able to help with other minor repair projects on an as-needed basis, please contact Theresa Heiker or the church office.
  • Regular counters are needed to count the offering collected each Sunday. Please contact Norma Meier or the church office to volunteer.
  • The church office is in need of volunteers to cover the office during business hours. We are in need of volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12–2 PM. Please contact our communications and administration coordinator, Kelby Yoder, for more information.

Spiritual Formation

  • We highly value education for adults, youth, and children. If you are interested in working with any of these groups, please contact the church office. We currently have a rotation of teachers working with children and youth and welcome suggestions or speakers for our adult classes.

Together in Service Circle/Presbyterian Women

  • Together in Service, one of our Presbyterian Women circles, is a hands-on mission circle meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:30 AM, Education Building (child care available). Sewing, knitting, or crocheting skills are welcome but not required! For more information on current projects, please contact Aide Whitaker or leave a message at the church office.
  • Presbyterian Women hosts an annual mission workshop each spring, typically in March, providing a variety of service projects.


  • Our floral arrangement committee welcomes additional volunteers to arrange sanctuary flowers. Contact Norma Meier.
  • To serve as an usher, contact one of the usher captains listed on the church calendar.