FPC Book Group
FPC’s book group is a virtual study group that seeks to connect people around discussion and reflection on important and meaningful books that are impacting the church, community, and the country. Whether we are reading a book that is specifically oriented to people of faith, a memoir, historical fiction, fiction, or non-fiction, we examine the ethical and social issues facing Christians today. Currently we meet once a month on zoom and Peggy Wright-Cleveland is serving as coordinator.
In the spring of 2019, in collaboration with FPC’s Healing Racism Task Force, the book group committed to reading works about the black experience or by black authors. We continue that awareness when choosing our books. September 2022 has been named “Banned Books Month” and the reading for September was chosen from a list of books that have been “banned.” To be added to the distribution list for information about upcoming meetings, please contact the church office.
Upcoming books and book group meetings:
Thursday, September 22, 7 PM
Lawn Boy, by Jonathan Evison

Thursday, October 27, 7 PM
The Book of Longings, by Sue Monk Kidd

Thursday, November 17, 7 PM
No Cure for Being Human, by Kate Bowler

Books read in 2022: